
Hello and welcome! I’m Jenna and my pronouns are they/them.

I transform anxious babes into self-trusting badasses so that they can build a life, business, and relationships that embody their WHOLENESS.

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I invite you to join me…

I am spearheading a movement of radical self-acceptance

A movement of healing as an individual while scrutinizing the systems of oppression

I am a…


I have an ability to see things others cannot. I journey deep and often to dark places to face the shadow and hold your hand to the other side. My clear vision allows me to cut through any inauthenticities or warped expressions from trauma and conditioning. 

I say things “as I see it” which can make for intense and fast-paced transformational energy. As a projector in Human Design, the strategy is to wait for the invitation. So, I’ve learned to give my wisdom and guidance only where it is asked. 

I see the wholeness of all people and my gift is helping other humans to see it, too

I am not here to fix you (you’re already whole) 

I’m not here to help you find yourself, I’m here to help you remember who you are.


I feel things very deeply. As a child this meant I took on other people’s energies without realizing it. As a teen this felt utterly overwhelming. As an adult, it turned into a journey of exploring “what is mine” and creating energetic boundaries between me and others.


Together, we are birthing a new world where we remember our wholeness. We honor the cyclic nature of life and the body as an essential place of change, learning, and transformation. 

We are creating a more accepting, loving , and integrated society…

We are leaving fear-based motivation behind by making choices based on what we care about. This is embodied healing!

We cannot control what systems or culture we are born into. But we can control how we engage or attempt to change those systems.

I view healing as both an individual and a systemic act. We cannot separate individual healing from the systems that perpetuate trauma and hurt that requires healing in the first place. 


Learn how to say yes to the highest potential in store.

Your only job is to show up everyday saying YES and doing the inspired, heart-forward actions that bring your desired reality closer.


I grew up thinking I was too loud, too bossy, too dramatic, too sensitive… over-all too much.

TW: Substance use and mention of suicidal ideation

I grew up trying to put myself into a box (well, more like a closet, LOL). Trying to make myself smaller to be more palatable and alienating the bright pieces that made me, me.

I looked to others for the right answer instead of looking within to lean into what feels good and right for me. I fell victim people that could speak to my wounds instead of my desires.

Trying to bend myself to be the person I was asked to be— I was doing “everything I was supposed to” to get ahead as someone who didn't come from money.

I obsessed over my grades, I went to college, I worked two jobs so I could get minimize my debt, get a “well-paying job” when I graduated and live happily ever after.

You know the story… you were probably sold the same line of crap.

But the more that I tried to please others, the more that my mind, body and soul were shutting down calling out for help.

I kept feeling the tug within me that said “this can’t be what I had worked for.”

I had started living for the weekends and drudging through the weeks. I turned to alcohol and other self-sabotaging vices.

My depression and anxiety were running rampant— near 100% of my self-talk was fear-based thinking. At a couple points in my life, I felt so hopeless to the point where I truly contemplated ending my life.

I now see that its because I didn’t even know myself past what other people wanted from me. I wasn't doing what lights me up, what sets my soul alive….I wasn’t living out what I’m here on this earth to do.


I invite you to join me

I invite you to be your biggest self. To show up and have the audacity to be different, and connect with the thing that only YOU can do here.

I invite you to disengage from the chatter that tells you that you are less than.

I invite you to become curious and open to your inner knowing

I invite you to be brave—to be willing to go up against your ego.

I can be your cheerleader when you need it, a resource for your self-love journey, and a space-holder for your healing. I am here as a loving guide and conduit to help you come home to yourself.

Habit-building, mindset work, shadow work and everything else that goes into this is not all sunshine and rainbows.

But you probably already know that, and that is why you were called here.

This journey is best traveled when you have someone who can help shine a light on the way when you feel lost.

As your coach and guide, its my job to help you on your journey, meet you where you are… and help you find answers there, within you.

Past Client Experiences

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